Canadian Boating Exam Practice Quiz 2024 - Free Canadian Boating Exam Practice Questions and Study Guide.

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What visual signals are boats no more than 6m in length required to carry?

A watertight flashlight

Boats that are no more than 6m in length are typically smaller recreational boats and are not required to carry the same safety equipment as larger vessels. This is why options B, C, and D can be eliminated as they all require more than one type of pyrotechnic distress signal. These signals are typically used for larger vessels and not suitable for smaller boats. The correct answer, A, is a watertight flashlight which is a more appropriate and practical safety item for smaller boats. It can be used to signal for help in case of an emergency and can also serve as a light source in low visibility conditions. Additionally, pyrotechnic distress signals can be dangerous if not used properly, so it is important for smaller boats to carry suitable safety equipment.

Three Canadian-approved pyrotechnic distress signals

Twelve Canadian-approved pyrotechnic distress signals

Six Canadian-approved pyrotechnic distress signals


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